Yoga Korunta
In the early 1900’s the text of the Yoga Korunta was imparted to Sri. T. Krishnamacharya by his Guru, Rama Mohan Bramechari. This is the study of all Yogas that can be experienced as in one practice: Kundalini, Jnana, Kriya, Bhakti, Raja, Hatha, Astanga Yoga, Krama Vinyasa and Karma Yoga. Inclusive to the philosophies of each, are: The Astrologic Affects, the coinciding Chakras, the Tattva-Lokas (dimensions), the Koshas (planes of existence), Sacred Geometry, Pattanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Upanishads and Tibetan Vajrayana. Korunta means “gathering” with the emphasis on knowing that everything is connected and gathered into One. The Yoga Korunta is the most ancient, sacred manual prepared by Ramana Rishi an ancient sage.
It is the Supreme Union of learning Yoga and comes under the school of Samkhya learning. Samkya is 1 of 6 Astika schools of Hindu philosophy; a Jnana Yoga - (the Union of Learning divine meaning). The Yoga Korunta is the original source of the Hatha, Astanga, Viniyasa Yoga practices. In 1927, some of the information was passed down from T. Krishnamacharya to his students, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar. Jois simplified the practice for modern man and the practice was modified. From the modern era, with the exception of Kundalini Yoga, the study of each of the Yogas began to branch off in different styles of teaching.
The traditional, original practice included close to 4,000 Asana (postures) combinations, however, Krishnamacharya took from what he had learned to a greater purpose - to offer this great teaching to his students who would become great teachers and to his clients as a prescriptive solution, to aid and end the suffering of diseases of the body, mind and spirit. The current teachings and practice of the Yoga Chikitsa (primary series) for advanced students of Yoga, includes 66 to 84 postures in one practice.