Other Offerings
28 Years of Essential Yoga: Private Sessions, Lessons, Classes and Workshops on
Essential Breath: Learn the proper use, for Yoga, for healing and for other, different purposes.
Essential Meditation: For quieting, calming the mind and more.
EAT BY COLOR: Foods, Colors, and The Chakras - the Book: Nutritional and Life guidance.
Chakra Life Readings: Vital, important information shared about your Life, your purpose and essential transformation.
Introduction to Essential Yoga (Gentle Yoga, Level 1).
Introduction to the Flower of Life: (as taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek).
Sacred Geometry: Learning, understanding and using it within your Yoga practice or in your daily Life.
On The Secrets of Tantra: (From the Teachings of Swami Anand Tathagat and Bhagwan Rajneesh).
Mer-Ka-Ba (Conscious Soul Vehicle, Breath Meditation).
Yoga Korunta Teacher Training.